So, I cut my hair again. Short. Very short. Shorter, in fact, than when I had 13 INCHES cut off to donate to cancer last March. According to my housemates, it's now once again "Blort" (ie. blond + short). I dunno. They find the word funny for some reason.
But the weird thing is, I'm not bothered by it. I mean, last year when I got my hair cut, I played with it for the whole rest of the day and spent weeks getting used to it. This time, I was frankly surprised when Wnd reacted to it not two hours after I'd had it cut.
And it's not because it's a kick-ass haircut, either. I mean, I like it, but it's not exactly a sexy goddess haircut. It's actually a little too close to my mum's type of haircut for my liking. But hey, it's what I asked for (I've always wanted to know what I'd look like with this haircut).
I'm thinking it's because of my breakup with my boyfriend. I mean, not the reason why I got the haircut -- while I can understand the whole "need to have a outer change to reflect the inner", that wasn't my motivation. Simply put, I got a haircut because I needed one. I just had them take a little more off than usual.
I think my breakup just kind of shook up my expectations. Having gone through one tremendous change in my life, other things just don't seem so big. Like when I gave up meat for Lent and thought I would fight it the whole time, only to find out I was doing pretty well without it. I mean, I had my meat-craving moments, but on the whole I was fine.
This new outlook means that I'm suddenly considering tons of things I wouldn't have before. I'll probably get new glasses in a little while (I really need to -- my ones right now are gross and yellowed), I'm going to the states for a conference in June, I'm planning to go on several other trips in the next year or so. I'm actually seriously considering doing ministry as a career... or maybe law ... or maybe taking a Masters in Creative Writing Program in B.C.
The world is open, inviting, and it seems I'm in a place in my life where I no longer fear change.
It's kind of weird, and kind of exciting.
Post a picture, I wanna see!
7:02 AM
If I can, I'll post a picture when I get my new glasses so you'll get the full effect.
9:53 AM
Weird. Bento-chan with short hair and Biku-chan with long hair. Truly, we are entering the End of Days. Thanks, Ratzi.
7:11 AM
hee hee!
11:27 AM
Biku: Remind me next time I see you to bring back your beloved hairclip (I still have it in my room from last time you stayed here, and you now have way more use for it than I do)
11:27 AM
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