A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I am happy to have returned to my showers and toilets. Also, bug bite medications.

After a weekend replete in paddling, swimming, bugs, rain (for the first 20 hours or so) and much female bonding over various unpublishable stories/jokes, I have returned to my very hot apartment and to my normal life.

I will soon be taking care of four lovely animals (two cats and two dogs) as well as two residences normally occupied by some older female friends of the awesome variety.

On a non-Bento's life note, is anybody else ever creeped out by the fact that tv screens collect so much dust? I mean, I usually associate dust with stagnation and disuse -- descriptions which might well apply to my brain, were I to spend too much time watching my dust-coverered idiot box.


Blogger biku said...

TV screen = muchas static = dust collection o doom.

Glad to know that you survived your bout with Nature okay.

4:38 PM

Blogger bento said...

I know why the tv collects so much dust, but it still creeps me out a bit.

10:43 AM


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