A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

An Excess of Testosterone

In an effort to escape my quiet house with it's many distractions in the form of bed and tv and books, I'm at the school where my Dad works right now. It's a private boy's school in downtown Toronto. So here I am, a 22 year old girl wearing jeans, surrounded by boys in ties and blazers. One of these things is not like the other...

What's interesting, actually, is that no one's stopped me to ask what the hell I'm doing here. Maybe they just all assume I'm a supply teacher. But really, all they do is stare at me for a second, then ignore me. Not that I'm particularly annoyed at this -- private school boys, I've discovered, are either exceedingly snobbish womanizers, or are so wholesome they're boring. Also, even the oldest boys here are four years younger than me.

However, being ignored does mean I've got to amuse myself, which means I'm actually getting lots of work done on my thesis. Other than the first pangs of worry (can I actually write this thing?), it's going pretty well.


Blogger biku said...

why wouldn't you be able to write it?

8:33 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can do it! If it's possible for me, an engineer, to write five essays and numerous other written assignments in three months, then ANYTHING is possible!

PS watch out for flying monkeys and fish that talk

8:41 AM

Blogger meghan rose said...

The students are your father's school are, for the most part, in my opinion, jackasses. I guess being rich and sheltered does that to people.

Best Crescent thing ever said to me by one the aforementionned jackasses: My father wouldn't let me take the (some fancy car, I can't remember) today - he made me take the (some other fancy car I can't remember).

Other things included asking me how much money my father made, and complaining about having to spend the summer in Europe.

1:35 PM

Blogger bento said...

Actually, the two students I did have contact with yesterday were fairly well behaved. Teenage boys, yes; rich and sheltered, certainly; but other than those general sorts of faults I found them polite and easy to talk to.

As for why I wouldn't be able to write my thesis -- it's very long, and writing about graphic novels from a literature perspective hasn't really been done before. I'll just have to work hard to make the whole thing fit together and stand up to the rigorous academic scrutinizing my supervisor will give it.

So I have a few worries -- not serious ones mind you -- just the first feelings that this won't be an easy challenge. ;)

2:52 PM


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