A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm not even sure what a 'meme' is -- can anyone enlighten me?

And yet, I'm going to do a 'meme' anyway. This one is, as always, stolen from someone else's blog, and has this alluring title:

Five Lame Things About Me That I Am Secretly Proud Of.

1. I secretly and stealthily (well, not always as stealthily as I'd like, since I get caught on a fairly regular basis) clean other people's houses if I'm staying over for a night or two. Most of the time when I'm a guest people don't like me to clean or wash or tidy, but it gives me a sense of purpose during those idle moments and I like feeling liked I've helped without anyone knowing. I suppose this means I can't make fun of my Dad for being the 'shoe fairy' (he straightens the shoes at the front door when no one's looking) anymore.

2. I positively enjoy dancing or mouthing or singing along to songs in my headphones while out in public. I know that this looks stupid, and I don't generally do more than mouth when there are other people obviously around, but I have been known to slow down traffic as the drivers peer at me whirling maniacally to some deliciously infectious indie-rock.

3. I too, am secretly proud of my guilt-junkie status, which is why I'm only semi-cured, I guess.

4. I can make myself look mighty hideous, given the right combination of bad clothing swap offerings, bad posture, and a few contortions of the face.

5. I can't make pastry worth a damn. For somebody who's very controlling about most parts of her life, it gives me great comfort to know that I am a slap-dash enough cook that the fine control and patience needed for things like pastries or delicate arrangements are beyond me.


Blogger NS Foster said...

From Dictionary.com:

meme /mim/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[meem] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun a cultural item that is transmitted by repetition in a manner analogous to the biological transmission of genes.

I knew this rang a bell from university classes for a reason...

7:55 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that more things should use their spelled pronunciation. Meem! Meem meem meem. Somehow that's funnier than it ought to be.

6:55 AM

Blogger bento said...

Thanks Aredendra! I knew someone would enlighten me. It's cool that the fact that I didn't know what it was but was repeating it in the very way the name describes is kind of neat, I think.

and meem (heehee!) is hilarious because of the doubled vowel. Many doubled vowel words are inherently (if strangely) hilarious, such as spoon, dood, and stoopid.

5:16 PM

Blogger biku said...

Don't forget toob!

7:40 AM

Blogger bento said...

heehee -- that too.

8:04 PM

Blogger WND said...


dont forget to buy the toilet paper, it's your doody!

ohhhh havnt used that one in a LOOONG while!

1:59 AM


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