A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Of "Heathens", Snow, and Ghostbusters

1. Me and my new love Regent had our first fight yesterday -- it involved a very intense academic tutorial (My Brain = "Yum!") which ended with 10 minutes of all of us praying together (My Brain = "Augh!"). It's not that I don't like or appreciate prayer, it's just that I'm not used to being around Christians all the time, and that I still seperate education from faith in my head. So I freaked out for a while, then went to go talk to my professor. After listening carefully to my somewhat jumbled explanation of why I was so bothered, he had this to say:

Prof: "Do you need to spend more time with heathens? I mean, I don't mean heathens in a pejorative sense, just in.... it's okay to say yes!!"

Me: "Bwahaha! ... Maybe."

I told him that my dad playfully calls himself a 'heathen', and slowly realized both that my perhaps-profession of pastor will involve me learning how to spend more time around Christians, and that also I don't need to lose my 'flight' response entirely (being around 'normal people' sometimes is a good thing). So it was a minor spat really, but an interesting one nonetheless.

2. There was about 3 inches of snow on the ground yesterday morning, and this caused Vancouverites to go bat-shit-crazy. I mean it -- they just freaked out. There was a train derailment, busses stuck on hills, people abandoning their cars, people staying home from work -- it was hilarious, even after I'd realized that the normal lack of snow, the amount of hills, and the dangerous climactic mix of wet roads and near-freezing temperatures did actually make some sense out of all the transportation chaos. Half the population of Vancouver seems to pride itself on wearing shorts no matter what, so a little snow is definately cause for concern. I loved it, even I got sprayed with grey slush while waiting for busses and had wet pants all day. I had a good snowball fight in the afternoon, and got the brief but glorious vision of all the trees swathed in white.

3. I've been hired as a custodial worker at Regent, which means ten hours a week (mostly early morning or evening) of cleaning, tidying, locking/unlocking, and AV help. This morning was my first training shift and I discovered one of the perks of the job -- a backpack vacuum cleaner that looks just like the one from Ghostbusters. Awesome.


Blogger Dan said...

You know, I think I too would feel a bit weird praying at the end of a class, and I grew up going to a Christian elementary school, so you would think that I would be okay with it.

Maybe subsequent secular education has had its effect on me, but I think that more of my discomfort would come from a sense that traditional prayer is a bit silly in certain contexts. I mean you've just had all this intellectual stimulation and then you have to quickly shift your brain into subdued reverence.

Someone once told me that they thought of prayer as an interaction between our mind and God's mind. I don't really know what that means, but after a stimulating lecture it seems to me that subdued reverence is exactly the opposite of engaging with God's mind.

5:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prayer Schmayer. But a backpack vaccuum? Now we're talking!

Who you gonna call?

1:47 PM

Blogger biku said...

Does this job mean you can afford tin beans?

10:36 AM

Blogger bento said...

Only on holidays and alternate sundays, I'm afraid. ;)

10:52 PM


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