The Big Sigh.
Before I became the head of a university club, I didn't know that you could feel like something is over before it's begun. And not in that bad "It's failed so we should just not try" way, but in that "I am stressed and there's a million things to plan and I have to flee around planning them and now the day is actually here and everything's planned and I can relax ahhh...".
There are beds for everyone. We have money in the account so we can pay for this crazy adventure. There are enough cars (and more) to transport everyone. The speaker is booked, the food is boughten (well, most of it) and the bags are packed. I'm ready. The fact that I'm going to spend the weekend cooking for 20 people doesn't bother or stress me -- in fact, I'm looking forward to it. I don't need to plan or anything -- just put potatoes in oven(or spaghetti on stove, or whatever) and cook. Then serve.
Ahh...It begins. And trust me, when beginnning means the end of planning, it's worth a sigh.
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