A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Adventures in boot leakage

In case you didn't notice, it's winter. Season of flu, long-johns, scarves, and people who sound like Fat Tony from the Simpsons. And, for me, season of boot-guilt.

Yes indeed, boot guilt. Y'see, I generally like to have big clompy winter boots that could easily squish a chihuahua, if they so chose. The kind of boots that are waterproof, salt-proof, fire-proof and probably even nuclear-attack-proof. The kind of boots which strike fear into the hearts of men.

Unfortunately, these kinds of boots have very, very large treads. This is good for grip while walking out side, but bad once one gets inside. Why? because of boot-leakage. My large treads accumulate a large amount of snow between them, which, once I go inside, melts into ginormous pools of saly, gritty water. If I only went inside once or twice a day, then this would be fine. But I don't. At least five times day my hooj boots must make little lakes on carpets and floors. This becomes a problem for me, because I have often have to put my backpack on the floor next to this tiny deluge, and for other's whom I'm always dripping on inadvertantly.

So now I stamp my boots on the way into buildings, leaving endless slushy bootprints and looking like some angry teen having a hissy fit ("I don't wanna go to class!" *stamp*). I feel bad for the poor janitors (having done it, I know how much it sucks to have to clean up snow slush -- having to empty your bucket after five square feet of floor is no fun at all). I feel bad for having to take up another seat in a crowded classroom with my bag, because I know my bag will get wet on the floor from my boot leakage.

So I've retreated into wearing other boots (ones with tiny, nearly worn-down treads) -- less safe and waterproof perhaps, but less work for all involved. Also, less boot guilt.


Blogger biku said...

I'm trying to figure out a solution wherein you get to keep your giant handy boots *without* the guilt, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment. I will keep thinking, but this may be an "either/or" situation. :(

8:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe carrying around a bag with a towel in the bottom and putting your boots in it when you go inside like they make you do at the gym...but that strikes me as far too much work.

Kenso The Of Course I Wear Sneakers All Winter

7:23 AM

Blogger bento said...

It's not really that big of a deal -- just another of life's little annoyances. In fact, before I had several orthotics, I had to wear my big honkin' boots all winter just because transferring my orthotics all the time would have put too much stress on them.

And Kenso, I used to do that when I was in high school. I put a towel on the top shelf of my locker and wore my birkenstocks inside school. but with all the building-hopping here at Queen's, that's just not practical. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

9:28 PM

Blogger biku said...

Why not just put the towel in the bottom of the backpack, and then books and stuff on top, so that even if the bottom gets wet, nothing's harmed by it?

12:28 PM

Blogger K-chan said...

I don't usually check your blog, bento, but its funny that I read this one.

Cause on monday I decided to upgrade to nuclear proof boots.

Mainly because I was tired of my feet freezing and falling on my ass. (Which had already happened 3 times this winter, once requiring physio.)

So the moral of the story is, don't downgrade. Don't feel bad about the puddles, they are a small price to pay for less Bento-ass-falling. Wear those end-of-the-world-proof boots with pride.

6:47 PM

Blogger biku said...

That's true. We didn't take into account sheer "to hell with it"-ness.

9:01 AM

Blogger bento said...

Thanks for checking the blog k-chan -- I'm glad you found it relevant. In terms of the 'to-hell-ness' of it all, I understand the impulse. But actually, most of my non-huge-boot motivation comes from purely selfish impulses: I don't like getting my backpack wet, I can't be bothered to take my boots off all the time, and I like to look fashionable (ie. not wear clydesdale hooves if I don't have to). so the 'to-hell-with-it' attitude would really screw me over too.

PS -- it's surprising that my 'boot post' has sparked such a lively discussion. Clearly I've touched a Canadian nerve! ;)

6:31 AM


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