another sort of work
Interesting sort of day today. 8:30-10am class, meeting with a friend over mango juice from 10:30 -1:30, short meeting with Doug about various QCF things from 1:30-2:30, bible study from 2:30-4, making pie/eating subs/reading homework from 4-7pm, 7-10pm pop culture event where we watched and talked about "The Truman Show".
In other words, a full day, but I didn't do much 'work' per se. I spent most of the day talking to and with and about people -- and it was great. I'm really enjoying moving into adult relationships where I can choose to set up meetings with people and we can have long and wide-ranging converstations about all sorts of things that both matter and don't matter. More and more, I think that is what university should be all about -- not about doing the work and getting the good grade, but about meeting people and expanding your horizens and learning how to interact.
I got back my Shakespeare essay with a 77% mark on it. That's a pretty good mark, and I should be happy, but I thought that was a damn fine essay, and so I'm a little frustrated. But the real point is, the mark (lower than I think I should have gotten) doesn't really bother me as much as it would have last year. Maybe it's just because I'm too busy to worry about it now, or maybe it's because I'm realizing that there are more important things in life than marks.
Like drinking mango juice in a local co-op cafe and having a discussion talking about everything from fashion to self-deprecation to modern criticism to how penises are funny looking.
Now that's the sort of work I'd like to keep doing the rest of my life.
That sounds incredibly busy and incredibly interesting and I am so incredibly jealous.
That is all.
8:13 AM
"I think that is what university should be all about -- not about doing the work and getting the good grade, but about meeting people and expanding your horizens and learning how to interact."
I think you have it exactly right. Good for you. Keep it up.
-Came here through Biku's website.
1:10 PM
Sorry, Biku. I didn't mean to make you jealous. If it makes you feel any better, most days I'm tired and just want to emulate the Cap'n by saying "Oh, I long for a little dullness now and then."
As for the 'anonymous' comment -- thanks for the support. As a semi-perfectionist A-type personality, I always feel like I'm shirking my duties when I go out for *gasp* a coffee.
9:33 AM
Take it from some one who's been there, that is what university is about. However, when you move into the making a living part of your life, these conversation days are few and far between. Enjoy it while it lasts.
8:23 PM
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