Lobo the PoMo SoMo
The whole present-giving part of Christmas is, for me, the main reason why people hate the season. Money worries, the stress of trying to find 'the perfect gift', crowded malls, ungrateful recipients of something you slaved over for hours, etc. Some people may dispute with me that having to spend enforced 'happy time' with one's family over Christmas is the worst bit, but since I actually like my family I'll have to rate presents as #1.
And yet, I keep doing it. Why? Because, when it goes right, it's really really good. You get to have that moment when the person (you, your giftee, whomever) opens the package and their eyes light up. It could be socks, it could be money, it could be cookies, it could be a handmade sock monkey (more specifiically, Lobo the POstMOdern SOckMonkey (Pomo Somo) who plays the oboe and lives in SoHo) -- whatever it is, it makes you happy.
Of course, sometimes (as I've discovered in the past couple of days) the best way to make youself (or someone else) happy is not to give something, but to give some time. Cooking food together, playing, talking, figuring out puzzles, laughing, relaxing... it may not come wrapped in shiny paper, but I'll take new memories over new CD's any day.
[previous post brought to you by the warm fuzzy feelings brought on by the season. I apologize for any gagging that may have been caused.]
just kiddin
ya, agreed. stupid holidays and "making me feel guilty so i have to buy gifts for them" feelings. BAH humbug
7:38 PM
i like sock puppets
1:58 PM
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