Good News, Everybody!
The problem with deciding that you're going to write an exhaustive, multi-post diary of your trip is that life keeps happening once you get home. And should some of that life require recognition by blogging, then you're in trouble...
So consider this a brief hiatus from Belize (I will finish writing about that soon, before my interest in the subject entirely deserts me), while I write about our two new family members:

Kitties! The orange tom is Fry, and the grey tabby is Leela. True to their names, they are both adventurous, but Leela is much smarter and less likely to do stupid things (like try and jump onto a plant) than Fry is. I hope the names work out well -- it's so hard to tell if a cute name gets annoying really quickly, or becomes just part of the cat's personality.
They aren't nearly so smug as they look in their picture -- most of the time they're romping around attacking each other or discovering new corners of the house. They came housetrained (one of the benefits of getting kittens who are already three months old) and they're pretty quiet so far -- just a few squeeky little miaos now and then (Plus, Leela's got the loudest purr I've ever heard in a kitten). I have to remember that there are other things I need to do rather than play with them and pet them and generally melt from their general cuteness.
Of course, having these guys can't help but remind me of Spooky, but it's been in a good way, so far. I'm remembering when he was a kitten, and realizing our wisdom in getting two cats this time since they can keep each other company. My only regret is that I'll be leaving too soon to see them really grow up and get comfortable in the house.
But in the meantime, I get to play proud parent and take lots of pictures and show them off to everybody who cares. There's an open invitation to anyone in the area to come play with the kittens, so come on over!

OMG... I hardly even know you and I'm so tempted. So cute. Hehe.
7:53 PM
come on over! I know how much you like kitties, and you can come see them one day after work.
6:31 AM
I am greatly enjoying all your thoughts about your vacation. But also...EEEEEEEEKITTIES! They are so cute and I want to pet them for hours! I am so excited about seeing htem now!
9:35 AM
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