The Bright Side
I've just discovered that the silver lining to living in your parents basement and working at a minimum wage job is that I suddenly have guilt-free disposible income again. Sure, it's not much disposible income, but it's better than thinking "I should be saving this for rent/groceries/utilities" every time I buy new socks or a bag of chips.
In other news, the kitties are larger, but still adorable. See Exhibit A:
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! your kitties are so adorable! and have such awesome colours! they look like miniature tigers - bengal tiger and...a regular tiger ><"
i shall be up there soon to pet them into blissful heaven. ("you have to pet the cat so it can feeeeeeeeeeel it")
10:17 AM
yes -- they're just getting to the point where they're comfortable enough with me so that I can sling them around (Fry likes riding on my shoulder) and pet them vigorously and they don't mind. Plus, I'm alone in the house right now, so all the kitty love comes to me!
Just let me know when you want to come visit!
11:23 AM
I don't have the contact info for your parents' house, nor do I know when you are leaving. However, I would love to see your new kitties (and more importantly you!) at some point. Email me or call me at Teresa's house!
12:35 PM
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