A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

This has my been my life this week. It feels like it shouldn't be busy, since I'm not working full time or anything, but bouncing from Biku's apartment downtown to Newmarket to take care of the kitties and run many errands to Japanese class (last one!) to Zen's cottage in the Muskoka's and back again does take a toll.

I'm actually kind of stressed out right now. Leaving for Japan is rapidly becoming a reality and last night I had my first moment of really understanding that I would be gone. I nearly cried. I mean, I still want to go and I'm still excited, but because I don't know yet where exactly I'm going (and I do know what exactly I'm leaving) it's a bit harder to start envisioning my life in Japan.

I'm also stressed out because Biku's having a bad summer. She's very unhappy, and I don't know how to make it better. Her grandfather's sick, she misses having her boyfriend around, and she doesn't want me to leave. Of course, she knows this is a great opportunity for me, but she can't be happy that I'm going when it means we won't see each for a year (eek!). I know she doesn't want to make me feel bad for leaving, any more than I would want her to be unhappy. But it's happening anyway, and so it's putting a strain on both of us. I'm too unaware to be good at helping people through incisive analysis of a situation, I'm too indecisive to be good at helping people through firm knowledge of how to make things better, and I'm to practical to be able to whisk the person off to forget about their troubles for a while. What I can do to help people is give them my time, my patience, and my love. But because I'm leaving and I'm getting stressed myself, those first two are running out. Which is very bad. I've still got love, of course, but love without ways to tangibly express it is not terribly helpful.

I'm actually kind of worried about my parents coming home this week, since they'll start to realize I'm leaving soon, which will mean that they'll start pressuring me to spend lots of time with them. Which I do want to do, but I want to spend time with my friends too, and (as we all know by now) I don't deal well with guilt, especially guilt around not giving someone I care about enough time.

Whew. Writing this post just gave me a headache and knot in my stomach. This'll probably get worse before it gets better...

[Edit (two hours later): Just so you don't think that my head is about to explode, I had a lovely day yesterday at my friend's cottage. I swam and knitted and discovered the hilarious potential of trying to eat a frozen yogurt waffle cone on a bumpy, fast-moving motor boat. (Let me just say that it's a good thing I have the stomach of a goat). Also, Biku and I continue to have really good long discussions and hilarious moments of linguistic oddity ("foofy") and generally do all that good stuff that's the reason why we're best friends. So not everything is bad.]


Blogger annika fox said...

Oh, bento. That sucks. There is no meaningful way for me to specifically address any of your pressing concerns, but I feel that it is time to say that you are exceedlingly special and awesome. I'm sure everyone will second me on this. Keep on trucking, and I'm sending you lots of hugs.

6:41 PM

Blogger Francesca said...

I heartily second tuna's comments!!

Thanks to the intarweb, staying in touch has never been easier! Instant messaging, web cams, emails, blogs (like this one) and other great things of the like. You may be far away in person, but close in our hearts and minds.

"Where am I going, I don't quite know,
Down to the stream where the kingcups grow,
Up to the hills where the pine trees blow,
Anywhere, anywhere, I don't know."

--A.A. Milne

Have a safe journey and fantastic adventure.

10:20 AM


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