A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I've Still Got It!

I may be a little rusty, but even after about 18 months out of action, it seems I can still write both essays and sermons. Sure, they're both kind of shitty right now, but what else are first drafts for?

I was a little worried, since when I (frequently, lately) bemoan my lack of talent in crafty areas such as seamstressing, knitting, fine arts, singing, and various other arty things, the inevitable come back is "But you can write!" So if I had lost that, I would have been bereft, drifting talentless among a sea of ridiculously talented people. I'd have to rely on my wit and good looks -- which would get me about as far as a pat on the head and a cookie, I think.

Now, back to writing! Shitty first drafts don't turn into brilliant finished products on their own, you know. (Plus, I've remember how much I actually like writing this stuff...)


Blogger annika fox said...

Humph! I believe that I, for one, called this particular gift (which is FAR from the only one you have going for you) "language" rather than "writing". Which carries you a good deal further htan just writing essays and sermons, and certainly supplies you with ample wit. And in point of fact I probably should have called it "communication" since you are one of the best I know at that particular skill.

5:10 PM

Blogger annika fox said...

haha, can I start ANY more sentences with non-sentence-starting words?

5:11 PM


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