And the winner for dumbest title for a literary article is....
"An Orange Stuff'd with Cloves: Bayesian Baroque Rehearsed"
What does that even mean?! Personally, I think it's actually a secret spy code.
A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.
I once took a book out of the library called Hyperbolicity & sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations. No one knew what the title meant. Not even the professor who recommended it to me.
12:56 PM
So why did he recommend it to you?
And was this a math course, or a arts course, or what? The words "Hyperbole" and "bifurcations" makes me think of people who lie a lot and then explain how they aren't really lying.
7:15 PM
It was for math. The professor recommended it to us as it supposedly had something relevant to what we doing research on, but the rest of the book she wasn't so sure about :)
6:25 AM
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