Magic Eye
I realized something kind of odd today. When I have friends visiting during school time, my perspective shifts entirely. Not that that's odd, but what is strange is how my brain sees time entirely differently with people around.
For instance, Brier and Laurena are visiting now (a lovely treat -- I wish it weren't under such unfortunate circumstances). Now, normally, I plan my day around the classes I have. I could cook, or relax, or read, or do homework, but come hell or high water I will go to class at 11:30. However, with them here, it's all backwards. The 3D part of my day (classes) recede into the background as what is normally my "time off" pops out in full relief. Suddenly, classes are the necessary (and easily skipped) evil which punctuates a day filled with visiting friends.
I kind of like it, actually. Not only for the fact that classes become, for once, unimportant, but also because it's such an easy transition. I worry sometimes that I focus too much on my work, but as long as I can blink and see things from another perspective (one where people, rather than marks, are of utmost importance), then I think I'll be alright.
With all the friend-over-ness, you also forgot to tell me how your mum is doing and what she can eat.
10:44 AM
She's fine, but I still don't know what she can eat.
Sorry, though. I'll try and call you later today.
9:28 AM
p.s Lydia is the world's most awesome hostess. If I weren't the beneficiary of her tender love and care I would be alarmed at how efficient she is.
11:11 AM
frequently I'm alarmed at how efficient I am. thanks, tuna. (of course, my abilities as a hostess have never been taxed because the people who stay over are always cooking things and cleaning things and generally being helpful)
11:54 AM
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