In the wake of having a Sunday where, in the space of about a half hour, I found out that my mum needs to have surgery, my brother had seen the body of someone who fell/got pushed off a balcony in his apartment building, and my best friend's childhood pet was under threat of being euthanized, I decided that burying myself in work for a while wouldn't be a bad idea.
It's worked surprisingly well, actually. I may not be able to heal my mother's gall bladder, hurry a police investigation, or adopt an animal in need, but I can write a thesis, damnit! Whereas once the idea of writing 10,000 words (none of which were 'Screw Flanders') frightened me, I can now see my random thoughts coelescing into one, big, self-contained paper. Like puzzle pieces, the disjointed sections I wrote over Christmas are slowly linking up in my mind and on my screen. If I can just keep doing what I'm doing, soon all my points will be wrestled into submission and lined up in an orderly, grammatically correct fashion.
If only I had as much control in the real world -- control enough to make order out of the seemingly senseless pain, violence and neglect that is currently happening in the lives of the people I love.
No "screw Flanders"? Is the thesis full of words like "psgetti" and "mamatoes", at least?
Send your mum my, um, wishes for a speedy recovery to bile-y goodness.
12:37 PM
actually, she's having her gall bladder taken out, so no lile for her! (although I think there's lots of other places that make bile. The gall bladder is one of those useless sort of organs, like the appendix)
I'll try and see if I can work in "mamatoes", but it will not be an easy challenge.
4:49 PM
I'm pretty sure that the gall bladder is usefull, it just isn't necessary for immediate survival. Poor Bento's mum. First no caffiene and now no greasy foods.
8:45 PM
Hey, it's not an all-bad thing. Besides, in the long run, your system adjusts to *some* grease. My dear Christine--Vic, you met her--has hers out. I just wish your mum all the good thoughts in the world the one day she doesn't realized she's overindulged.
7:32 AM
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