A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

In a year, will anyone care?

The problem with writing a year-end review which features quotes from the first post of each month is that it then becomes very difficult to write the first post of the New Year without thinking that it, in turn, might be immortalized (ha!) in a subsequent year-end post. Do I write about my New Year's party? (which was fantabulous) Do I write something banal about going back to school and being kind of blah? What would best represent 1/12th of my personality, come next December?

You can see how this sort of pressure can inhibit one's writing abilities.

Also, I had a fabulous idea for something interesting and insightful to say, but then I fell asleep, and when I woke up, all I could remember was that I once had had the idea (and it was a good one, too!) Very frustrating.

So you'll please excuse me for the long break in updates, but my life is boring, and the pressure of the New Year combined with sleep/heightened expectations of future brilliance got in the way of my normal procedure of simply writing whatever the hell I want.


Blogger biku said...

I will! :)

Unless the end of civilization happens. :(

6:54 AM


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