I had a plan. I planned it myself.
Oh Glenn. You are so intelligent, and yet so dumb. You give me great comments on my thesis, and yet you don't know when it's due. You seem to consider the Friday deadline as an easily moveable date. ("Oh no no, you can hand in another draft to me and your second reader on Friday or early next week. The final thesis will be due...oh, let's say.. late March sometime.")
During the meeting itself I just kind of nodded dumbly, but after I left it slowly dawned on me -- I had planned out this whole week with the knowledge that I would be handing my thesis in at the end of it. Tuesday I get Glenn's comments, Wednesday I would edit it, Thursday was taken up with other things, Friday it would be printed out in all it's colour-and-basic-design glory, then handed in. Done. Finito. And now I still have to hand it in, but it's just another draft! Boo.
It made me realize how much I love my plans. I mean, who complains when they get an extension on an essay? Well, I've now accepted the fact that my foray into academia hasn't quite ended, but it sure was a lesson in my own obstinate planning as well as in the inherent flakiness of all profs.
In other news, my computer is not dead -- merely suffering from a bad fan on the video card. Unfortunately, the fan can't be fixed, so I have to buy a new video card (probably a cheap one, since I'm verging on seriously broke). I do want it back soon though -- I'm tired of borrowing housemate's computers (although they've been great about it) and living in the computer labs on campus. It's like being digitally homeless.
I got my video card for under $40. And that was a video card necessary for playing Civ4 (i.e. a somewhat more advanced card). And you can just install it yourself (as I did, for I am l33t). I am sure that you, or possibly Liane, is/are also l33t enough for 1|\|st4||4t10|\|.
As for the thesis, take it for what it's worth: you can polish it as much as you want, but if he still wants more done, you have another chance. To hand in the Famulous Designed Copy (which certainly wouldn't have been done by Friday as I did not know that was the due date).
It's very late. I'm going to shut up now.
9:14 PM
I just want to know how long it took you to type "1|\|st4||4t10|\|".
5:08 AM
This is what I can't understand: l33t is supposed to be for people typing a lot--but it takes FOREVER to type out, especially if you are like me and are able to type fairly fast.
Just so this goes back to Bento: I am working on your thesis today so it should be done fairly soon. If you are able, please send an updated version. :)
8:38 AM
don't worry too much about getting the famulous designed copy done for handing in. First of all, I've already agreed to another draft, secondly, the famulous copy isn't for marking, and thirdly, the copy that could be famulous (ie. the one I hand in to be kept in the department) isn't due in until after the whole marking process is done (ie. several weeks from now)
in other words, don't stress yourself about it.
10:09 AM
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