A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Monday, February 13, 2006

"You look prettier than you usually do today."

I have decided that my thesis supervisor is the master of the ambiguous compliment. Not exactly a backhanded compliment, the things he tends to say are good, but in that confusing way that also suggests I might be on the wrong track.

The best example so far:
"I have read and am ready to discuss your thesis draft. I think it's a strong basis to work from."

A 'strong basis to work from'?? Does that mean "good, now let's clean up some minor problems" or "good ideas, but you'll have to entirely rewrite it"? I just don't know, there's no way to tell. At least, not until Wednesday, when I meet with him to "discuss my thesis draft". Whatever that means.

In other news, I'll be very happy when Tuesday is over and I don't have to hand anything in/lead any studies/write any tests until after Reading Week. Although getting through Tuesday might be hard since I seem incapable of avoiding CBC Olympic coverage for more than an hour at a time. Somehow watching Ron McLean discuss the intricacies of skeleton runner technology seems much more interesting than normal things like eating or sleeping or reading Alistair McLeod. (even though I really do like all those things, and think skeleton is a sport for people with WAY too much adreniline and not enough sense).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it means "Actually, this is the most genius thesis I have ever read in my life, and if I weren't so busy being completely tactless, I would probably help you get it published"!

7:20 AM

Blogger bento said...

Oddly enough, that kind of happened. I mean, he had still written all over the draft I gave him, but mostly he seemed to want more detail on some of my analysis, rather than me changing the stuff I'd already written. Which is good. Also, he gave me the address for an academic journal which is putting together an isse on "graphic narrative" which he thought I should send my paper in to. So that's good.

10:23 AM


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