A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Nervous Energy

Update: Gran is here now, and she's fabulous. I've suddenly remembered how nice it is to converse with an older person who has good hearing and interesting things to say (and moves faster than the speed of the ice age...). Not only am I amazed at her stamina (it's 9:25 now -- nearly three in the morning her time -- and she's just starting to get ready for bed!), I've already been amused by her anecdotes and interested by our discussions of parenting, jewish-ness, and the relative merits of cats versus dogs. If tonight is anything to judge by, I needn't have been nervous at all!

My grandmother from England is coming tomorrow to see me graduate and for the birthday/graduation/wedding party thing my parents are throwing for my brother and me (not that me and my brother are getting married -- it's my birthday and my graduation, and his wedding to Meghan. Just so we're all clear.)

Since Gran is a bit of a scary matriarch who's been falling in and out of sorts with most of her children at various points over the last fifty years, this impending visit has got Mum and Dad in a bit of a nervous tizzy. Plus, hosting a party for 20-plus is a big deal for them, considering they're still finding having four people for dinner to be a out-of-the-ordinary event.

I'm not too worried -- I'm used to cooking for large amounts of people (thank you, QCF retreats!) and Gran and I have been sending very cordial letters back and forth for years -- but the general atmosphere of slightly tense anticipation is getting to me. I find myself restless more often than not, and even when I don't have anything to do I feel like I should. Biku's coming over this weekend, which should help me to ignore things and watch hours of cheesy tv, but I predict I'll still be a bit more on edge than usual.

In other news, I'm a smart cookie. I don't like saying that normally, but since I got the Medal in English from Queen's, it's kind of official now. Woot! I'm posting about it here since I keep forgetting about it, and this way people will know through me, instead of through Mum and Dad (who appear to be telling the entire known world about it. )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you genius, you! Umbrelllas!!
I hope the visitations and partiage go well.

7:06 AM

Blogger K-chan said...

We always knew you were a smart cookie ;) Now you just have the gold cookie to go with it!

9:07 AM

Blogger Geoff said...

Congratulations, but..what is the medal in English?

9:59 AM

Blogger bento said...

The medal in english is, in actuality, a big useless metal medal thingy that they give you when you got the highest graduating average in a particular discipline. there's a medal for geography, and for history and for biology, and so on. I got the english one.

6:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats bento! party it up!

8:58 PM

Blogger kobuta said...

Eee! Your Gran Has Arrived!

Wow, congrats on your Medal of +7, umm, Shininess? It's official...Bento-sama, anata wa GENIUS desu.

"The medal in english is, in actuality, a big useless metal medal thingy..." Ha! That's how it should be defined in Queen's publications and at convocation. ^_^

9:43 PM

Blogger Geoff said...

Awesome! Congrats!

5:42 AM

Blogger biku said...

Congradulations! Also, M and I will make enough noise to remind everyone that this is also a BIRTHDAY celebration.

6:58 AM

Blogger bento said...

hurrah! I'm the birthday, I'm the birthday, I'm the birthday...boy or girl!

Also, Gran has expressed interest in meeting my friends "about whom you've written so much in your letters." heehee!

3:22 PM

Blogger WND said...

congrats again on the shiny of "+5 learndingg"! now you have reason to sound all erudite and sh*t (c'mon, you knew that was coming...)

"Gran has expressed interest in meeting my friends..." - does this mean i have to put on pants? or a...skirt?

im looking fwd to thurs, we get to be a family again! *tear* :D

8:05 PM

Blogger bento said...

don't worry about Gran -- she's quite easygoing. Although I think she would prefer some sort of leg-covering.

7:05 AM

Blogger kobuta said...

HA! I was just about to comment on Biku's McKay scale post with an allusion to my Religion As Pants allegory, but this is a much better home for it: hotpants for Evangelicals, full length skirt/trous for Catholics, capris for Anglicans, grass skirt for Taoists (or something) and mittens for... you know who. And of course, pantslessness for the Atheists!

"Although I think she would prefer some sort of leg-covering." Socks!

1:35 PM

Blogger Dan said...

Yay for you! Also, yay for me! (I figure that the fact that you're smart must make me somewhat smart by association... although that association does not mean that I'm any good at english.)

6:57 PM


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