A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Geeking Out with the Bard

Had dinner last night with my fabulous Kiwi friend Virginia, and afterwards she initiated me into one of the many secret clubs of Regent College. In the heart of suburban Vancouver about twelve of us gathered in basement room lit by candles, and in this clandestine congregation we partook in the ancient and strange rite of .... reading a Shakespearean play.

Taming of the Shrew, to be exact.

Have I mentioned yet that I love Regent?

Honestly, I know that spending Saturday night doing a read-around of Shakespeare is the geekiest thing ever, but I loved it. Also, for some bizarre reason, it was a western themed event, so lutes became banjos, cowboy hats and bandanas were donned without shame, the beer flowed freely, and an Italian comedy was changed into a good ol' southern romance (complete with accents, some absolutely Hi-larious). It was so much fun.


Blogger Dan said...

I'm going to contest your claim that it was the geekiest thing ever. Had you set the play in the Star Trek universe and dressed accordingly, then it would be the geekiest thing ever.

8:15 PM

Blogger bento said...

I concede the point. How about the geekiest literary thing ever?

(by the way, the very well respected Old Testament prof at Regent has a looong list up on his office door about how Janeway is a much better captain than Picard...)

10:51 AM

Blogger biku said...

I absolutely demand that you stage a production of The Tempest as Star Trek characters! (Why the Tempest? Because there was an episode of TNG where they did it on the holodeck. Or was it Ten-Forward?) Anyway, it must be done!

6:04 PM

Blogger bento said...

I'm not sure how themed these events usually are, or how pro-Trek my fellow students are, but I'll do my best. ;)

9:50 PM

Blogger Dan said...

Yay! Boldly going where no group of theological college students has gone before.

7:30 PM

Blogger WND said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:26 PM

Blogger WND said...

wow, that is quite intense. but at least theres no slitting of palms and passing of blood.

i feel that with you out of the picture, my perspicaciousness has been circling the bowl. i actually said "governship" not once, not twice, but 5IVE times before it finally dawned on me that i was looking for "governance". by that time, it was too late and i had a roomful of university higher-ups looking at me in the most pitiful way. it was a sad, sad day for english majors everywhere...

anyhoozle, im glad that youre secretly geeking out in the open

6:51 PM


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