A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


Channel Hopping on a Sunday morning -- what do I see?

[bet you can see this one coming]

A white American man in front of a soothing blue background, saying "The President needs us to pray for him, in [insert random bible verse here] it says that 'you should pray for your king and your president'. If you believe in this book [at this point, he brandishes a leather bound tome, which I'm assuming is the Bible, although it could just as easily have been a particularly classy re-print of last year's Playboy's] then you have to pray for President Bush."


He then went on to insinuate that President Arafat's death might indicate the coming of Armageddon, and that therefore we should pray extra hard for our good Christian Leader. Numerous bible verses were cited.


It is a source of near-constant wonder to me that I haven't yet been killed in the streets for saying I'm a Christian. It is a similar wonder to me that I am a Christian at all.

The more I study the Bible, the more I come to realize that it's not about 'we are right and you are wrong', but about 'I am wrong -- how can I make things right'. Of course, I have no idea how I can make things right, and I am frightened that when the words of the most famous pacifist ever get twisted in order to support a war-monger, people will stop listening all together.


Blogger biku said...

Know what I love? When uber-right Christians use bible quotes to justify whatever it is that they're doing--but when you use bible quotes to contradict them, they say "Even the Devil can quote scripture for his own purposes".

Which is made even more hilarious by the fact that it's a Shakespeare quote to begin with. Ha ha!

I was going to say something else about the state of christianity and the parallel with Marxism (i.e. sounds nice on paper) but I can't remember the witty phrasing of it any more and I'm sure I've said before anyway. Boo.

8:22 AM

Blogger biku said...

You can always become a Yingist like me and M.

12:25 PM

Blogger bento said...

thanks for the offer -- but I think I'm too much of an English geek to be able to give up the fun of exegesis for Yingism (which, as far as I know, doesn't have any holy texts).


8:04 PM

Blogger biku said...

Yingism has a holy text! It's, um, it's just... okay, no, we don't have a holy text. Boo.

8:12 AM


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