It must be september...
It's frosh week, and a light day for me means only needing to email professors about course books, getting my internet hooked up, meeting with a friend of mine for a chat about the future, and being involved in a QCF frosh week event at night.
Made dinner for 80 people last night. Unfortunately, only about 30 showed up. But leftovers (especially of lentil bolognese and mushroom alfredo) are always good, and I managed not to get too stressed/freaked out about it. Which is always nice.
Suddenly, Kingston seems tired and old -- the purple engineers are no longer scary or even novel, the courses are much the same as they always were, and the interminable meet'n'greet (What's your name? Where are you staying in residence? What are you studying?) just seems wearying. Certainly, there are things to get excited about -- writing a talk for QCF, studying art history, the imminent return of my housemates -- but it's all been done before.
What makes me feel good about that last message is that the person who wrote it clearly didn't actually read my post. I do like the phrase "egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities", and I hope he (or she) feels good about randomly assaulting people on their own blogs.
6:02 AM
Seems kind of ironic that someone would post that on the blog of an English major.
I'm sorry Bento that you had to have someone who has way too much time on their time on their hands post that crap on your blog. Maybe you should check out the word verification option on blogger...Blarg.
What was I going to say? Oh ya. About Kingston feeling old. I totally felt that way about London in my last year-the year after. I really began to get itchy feet. Maybe its some sign of growing-upedness....Nooooo!! say it ain't so!!!!!
7:27 AM
Wow, a new kind of spam! Insulting spam! What will those crazy hackers think up next?
9:13 AM
I think that Spammer B was in fact violently retorting to Spammer A. Which still seems like overkill.
But at least it was entertaining flame mail.
Damn those egregious h4x0rs.
6:21 PM
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