Hurray for the sun! (also, perogies)
Had a fabulous day today -- I woke up to find the sun shining and a hot summer's day to greet me.
We packed a lunch and went out to Point Pleasant Park to see the ocean and stick my feet in it (no matter how old I get, I can never seem to remember about how I will get my wet, sandy feet back in my shoes until after they're already wet). We walked around in our new running shoes (bought cheap yesterday during a sale) and then went back up to downtown Halifax to see the best comics store ever (Strange Adventures, which has an amusingly low door and a great big section of alternative comics right up front), have some ice cream, and pick up Meghan's 16 books which were on hold at the library. She is my new hero, especially since she's read about 5 books in the 3 days I've been here.
Then we made perogies for dinner, a long and intensive process which involved much discussion about the best way to roll out the dough (rolling pin or hand stretching?), the best way to seal the perogies (fork or fingers?) and the best way to eat them (boiled or boiled&fryed). Boiled and fried won hands down, and Geoff and I once again proved that we really are siblings by eating way too many not-quite-ready perogies and then lying around groaning after eating several plates of delicious really-done perogies.
Let me be the first to ask what a perogie is. Can't be bothered to Google it.
Also you never replied to my email. I am sad. :-(
5:00 PM
Apologies. You *did* reply. It's my turn. Sorreeee.
5:05 PM
What is a perogie? WHAT IS A PEROGIE!!! What do they teach you over there in England?
A perogie is a type of Polish/Ukrainian/Russian dumpling. The dough is made of flour, egg, and water and the inside is usually potato mixed with some sort of cheese.
5:09 PM
They teach us how to speak properly.
Thanks for the perogie information, they sound tasty. I may make one.
Lydia, expect mail.
11:04 AM
Yeah, yeah, Queen's english and all that :)
1:43 PM
I enjoy it when other people answer silly questions for me.
6:07 PM
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