A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

...and Resurrection (sort of)

Well, I am no longer dying, no more fever or body which feels like it's about to explode apart. However, as the large pile of used tissues next to me eloquently attests, I'm not healthy yet.

And, in a twist of cruel irony, I now have another problem to worry about. You see, one of the events I skipped yesterday was an on-stage practice for my ballet recital next weekend. When I wrote to my friend Katie to explain why I hadn't been there, I jokingly quipped that "I would be at practice this Thursday even if I had two broken legs and a raging case of SARS".

Well, my legs aren't broken...

But, I did manage to massively stub my fourth toe on the couch earlier today. Stubbed so badly that it was all...bendy. In a very non-healthy way. So I hobbled my way over to the campus clinic, where a lovely nurse informed me that it would be EVEN MORE painful if it was actually broken, and that I'd just given it one hell of a sprain. So she taped it up for me, and now I sit here writing, feeling it throb and wondering vaguely what colour and how big it will be when I next take a peek at it.

Hopefully it will be better (or mostly better, at least) in a week and a half, because I *really* want to do the dance. I have a pretty costume and I practiced my pirouettes and everything!

(as you can see, four days of the the death flu have helped me perfect the petualant, whiny invalid tone I mentioned before)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ugh, that's no fun. I sprained my ankle once falling down the stairs and it took weeks to heal completely. Sending you good toe-straightening-out vibes.


7:40 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Lydia. That is a shame. I maybe have already told you this story, but I broke my toe by stubbing it on a pool ladder a number of years ago (and let me tell you, if yours had been broken, you wouldn't have been hobbling anywhere), but by the time I went to get it x-rayed a few days later my walking function was mostly restored. So hopefully you will not have problems dancing. More with the vibes from my direction!

9:24 AM

Blogger XRaVeNX said...

ooo stubbed toes suck.. i used to always stub my toe when we first got the new bunk bed. Every night without fail.

Anyways, hope that squrrel infested computer is now de-squrreled ;)

9:00 AM

Blogger bento said...

My foot is turning all sorts of exciting colours, my walking function is mostly restored, and I am still marvelling at the beauty of a computer which doesn't make scary noises. (thank you so much, Alex!)

10:05 AM


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