A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Friday, October 20, 2006

You can take the girl out of Canada...

Thanks to the power of the internet (and free clips on CBC's "The Hour" website) I've been managing to keep up with Canadian politics, and I just thought I'd mention that I've decided (were I a Liberal, which I'm not, really) that I would vote for Michael Ignatieff if I could.

Sure, he's a rookie in politics. But if this means that he hasn't yet learned how to squash all his strong opinions and nobler impulses into a bland shell of non-offensiveness, then I consider that a good thing. I don't think I agree with either of the things he said about the Lebanese-Israeli war of this summer, but at least he said something. Bob Rae, the consummate politician (and Ignatieff's former roomate, in the small world that is Canadian politics) has perhaps more wisely kept his mouth shut, but that means I'll never really know what he thinks.

I like politicians who are real people -- who have opinions, who aren't so bloody well stage-managed down to the tie clips they wear. I like it when they say what's on their mind and actually do the things they say they're going to (even when I don't agree with them -- which is why much as I hate his politics I do respect Stephen Harper). I think Michael Ignatieff would be that sort of leader, would bring a fresh dose of reality to a Liberal party that literally collapsed under the weight of it's own boring beaurocracy. Would Ignatieff make mistakes? Yes. Would he get Canada in trouble on the world stage? Maybe. But would he get regular people interested in politics in a way that they haven't been since Pierre Trudeau? I think so, and that's a good thing.

[On a final, somwhat geekier note, I have to admit that I'm enticed by the idea of Michael Ignatieff as Prime Minister simply because having a man who is as academically intelligent as Jeb Bartlett (from the West Wing) would make me happy. Plus, it would make Democratic Americans green with envy... ;)]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You *can* get an absentee ballot, you know. Call the Canadian consulate in Fukuoka and get them to mail you one.

8:51 PM

Blogger Francesca said...

I have unfortunately been out of the loop, but I agree that I'd rather have a polititian who expresses their views clearly rather than hides them. Perhaps I have been in Alberta for too long and the Ralph Klein affect has rubbed off on me. Many people there don't like every single one of his political veiws, but they like that they know what those are.

4:55 AM

Blogger bento said...

I'm not a member of the Liberal Party so I can't vote, but if I'm still here the next time they have a federal vote, I'll definately vote in it.

6:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh - thanks for the tips! Now Peter Mansbridge's broad forehead can soothe me even in Japan! ;)

7:18 PM


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