Highly Historically Innacurate and Exceedingly Gory, but Good Nonetheless.
I watched The Last Samurai on Wednesday night, and I have come to three conclusions which (thanks to the power of the intarnets) I can now share with the world:
1. Tom Cruise, like Keith Richards, cannot be killed by conventional means. Slice him, dice him, fire 200 rounds of a machine gun at him, and he still survives to overact another day.
2. Even if it's only a brief shot, it's still exciting to recognize a location (in this case, Suizenji Park in Kumamoto) in a film.
3. I know more Japanese than I thought, since despite not having any subtitles for the Japanese portions of the film (which makes sense, seeing as how this is a movie rented from a Japanese video store) I still understood some of what was being said. Admiteddly, body language, tone and gesture helped too, but still, it was a nice ego boost.
1) Of course he will
2) Neat :) I still strive to identify TO in movies
3) Yes, but you'll also have body language and tone and gesture when talking to other people, won't you? :) Admittedly, the phone is the tough part!
1:01 PM
1) Don't forget the part where he learns in a three-minute montage the skills it takes everybody else years to master [singing] We need a montage![/singing]
2) Now you know how excited Liane and I were to identify Chinatown in that Bedouin Soundclash video (and why you should feel bad that you yelled at us to shut up)
3) Woohoo! It is a wonderful feeling when you realise you're not languagely incompetent. I was watching Crouching Tiger a couple weeks ago to help with studying and there was a scene where they were introducing everybody to each other and I could do it without the subtitles. So congrats!
6:34 PM
I love how you manage to shame me for making fun of you, make a MST reference, and boost my ego all in one blog comment, Biku.
5:17 AM
I please to aim.
8:28 PM
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