A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Three Weird Things

Weird Thing #1: It's snowing right now (big, fat flakes, the kind you should, by law, have to try to catch on your tongue) and the landscaping guy in my apartment complex is cutting the grass. Really. Cut grass smell and snow on the ground....very strange.

Weird Thing #2: Every day as I walk down the hill to the bus stop, I pass a yoga studio. That's certainly not weird (especially in Vancouver) but what is weird is the fact that the entire front wall is tinted glass that appears to have been put on backwards. That is, passersby (and there are many, this being a ground-level studio on a major road) can look directly in, while yoga-ers (?) can't seem to see out. This means every morning (and evening, depending on what time I come home) I see sweaty, partially-clad bodies in various contorted poses. Downward facing Dog, squats, lunges, pretzels, and even the relaxation pose of being spreadeagled on the floor -- usually with thighs open for all the pedestrians can see. Not surprisingly, there are very few fat people at this studio, but still, it's pretty gross. And yet, I cannot look away...

Weird Thing #3: It's not just that I haven't had time, I haven't had much desire to post on this blog lately. I can't really figure out why -- is it because I'm too busy, or because I feel like I'm in better contact with most of the people reading this blog? My extremly frequent posts from Japan were mostly due to homesickness, since writing made me feel connected to people that I otherwise wouldn't feel connected to, but now I'm farther away from some of those I love than ever. It might also have to do with mental stimulation -- I'm so very stimulated by my time at Regent (I'm an extrovert on crack when I'm there) that there's no time left over for the idle speculation which usually feeds my blogging. Still, it's pretty strange not to have any real desire to write. Maybe it'll return once the term's over.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you don't abandon the blog altogether, cause I almost never hear from you by email.

Also, speaking of weird things, you know what exists? Mint-flavoured carbonated yogurt soda. Matthew and I are having a "weird soft drinks of the world" party tomorrow night and so far our shopping expeditions have turned up quite a few that are disturbingly awesome.

8:40 PM

Blogger biku said...

You're bring a can of Pocari Sweat and CC Lemon, right?

6:06 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

CC Lemon yes, Pocari Sweat no; we decided to limit ourselves to carbonated drinks. Among the flavours we ended up with: aloe, coffee, sorrel, elderflower, champagne ("The Taste of El Salvador!"), lychee, a Korean milk soda called Milkis ("New Feeling of Soda Beverage!"), Bean Soup Nostalgia Drink, banana, and limeflower. It was a great success. And the yogurt soda was quite thoroughly revolting.

11:43 AM


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