The clash of two great religions
[NB -- I understand that the following is an entirely trivial issue which doesn't affect the fact that people die in the world every day in various cruel, unusual, and preventable ways. I understand that I am utterly lame for actually taking up space writing about this, rather than directing my quaint writerly talents to something that actually matters. Nevertheless, this is what passes for a problem in the fairy land world of Bento. Consider yourself fairly warned for the following post.]
The QCF retreat is booked for the weekend of September 30-October 2.
'Serenity' is due out on September 30th.
The funny thing is, I'm not worried about missing the premiere of this fabulous Firefly movie. I've never been one for getting excited about the seeing the first showing at midnight, and I'm happy to wait an extra week or so to see the movie if I need to.
What makes me mad about this unfortunate situation is that I won't get the fabulous group experience I'd planned. See, Firefly is my one conversion success story. I've spent the last two years diligently proselytizing my faith, patiently watching 'Train Job' and 'Serenity' (the pilot, that is) over and over again as I introduced newcomers to this fabulous show. I'm not normally very good at converting people to my beliefs/opinions (somehow, I think my pathological desire to avoid conflict has something to do with that...), but with Firefly it was easy. A few late nights here, some explanation of the term 'space western' there, and suddenly I had a whole truckload of new acolytes.
When I heard about the movie coming out, I thought "How cool would it be to go see Serenity with all the people I've converted to the only 'cult phenomenon' I've ever been a part of?". Excepting those converts who are now out of province, I could easily have 20 or so people go see one movie. It would be fun, it would be good for my ego, and it would be an Experience.
And now I don't get to have that, due to a scheduling conflict. Even if I didn't go to the QCF retreat so I could see the movie (not likely, since I really enjoy QCF retreats, what with all the late-night talks and delicious food and time spent in nature), many of my converts would. And I can't put the thing off for a week, since next weekend is Thanksgiving, and going during the week is totally out of the question (since Biku, who converted me, couldn't come).
If I didn't know better, I'd swear God was laying the smackdown on all my sacralicious Firefly 'conversion' talk. "It's all tongue-in-cheek," I feel like yelling, while shaking an insolent fist at the sky.
I know, I know. It's a silly thing to be annoyed about. But it still makes me sad.
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