I really, really liked Serenity. Of course, that doesn't change the fact that it was the scariest movie I've seen in a long time and that my muscles actually hurt this morning from me tensing them so much and that I didn't sleep most of last night because I was afraid that reavers were going to get me.
It was gory, it was dark, it was needlessly violent. All of these are the reasons why, when Biku says she hates this movie, I can totally understand where she's coming from.
But, I can also understand where Orson Scott Card (in his ravingly positive review - is coming from.
I liked this movie. Why? 'Cause it said something real, gorramit. It was a hard messy movie where the evil people aren't just stormtroopers with atrocious aim. It talked about real people (broken, screwed up, prideful people) and what happens when they get thrown into terrible situations. Who turns in on other people, who tries to work for a better world, who hunkers down in a foxhole. It's about the consequences of love and loyalty.
And I liked it. I plan to see it again once I've recovered from seeing it the first time. That may be a while, though.
(N.B. I admire the fact that despite having lots of people who'd seen it before me, no one breathed a word of spoilers to me. Thank you. Feel free to email me and rant about the movie now. This one's gonna need some serious discussin'.)
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