A Pretentiously Angst-Ridden Diary of Ephemera. Also, monkeys.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

TV = Evil

Television is a bad bad thing. No, I don't mean the actual shows (I'll still watch Lost and the West Wing and such), but the idiot box itself. I spent yesternight avoiding work by watching some CTV show which pretends that Canadians can be cool and scienc-ey and solve problems that the CIA can't (Ha!) and by watching a Football Game and by watching other things which I'm too embarrassed to relate (yes, there are things I watch that are more embarassing than football).

And what did I get for my night of doing nothing? Tiredness (I had to stay up late to do my readings) and a terrible sense of lethargy and apathy. In other words, general psychological unhappiness.

So tonight I vowed to watch no tv. I've spent my time instead reading comics, doing a little homework, and taking a bath. And I feel infinitely better.

Now, it could be that I have less work tonight. It could be that I ate something which helped my metabolism. There could be any number of reasons that have nothing to do with tv. But I choose to believe that reading and talking to my housemates is infinitely better for my soul than watching mindless tv.


Blogger kobuta said...

Aren't you glad that your blog is such a soul-reaching experience, Bento? Keep up the truth-revealingness!

Note: Bento's comic reading is for school. Go Bumblebee football!

8:52 PM

Blogger bento said...

why exactly does Canada immigration need it's own blog spam site? This confuses and frightens me.

8:21 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's probably one of those scammy lawyers that promise they can get you your residence papers and then steal all your money and leave you naked in a Dumpster. We get them advertising in the McGill Daily all the time.


5:53 AM


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