Thinking about it this morning (through the haze of too little sleep and slightly sore muscles) and I realized I had a really good time at Swing last night. Having progressed to a certain point, I hit a plateau of ability and since I wasn't getting better, it felt like I was getting worse. The last few weeks I've felt awkward and uncoordinated on the dance floor, and every time a guy said 'thank you' after a dance I thought it was more courtesy than actual gratitude. True or not, I was in a funk, and that's never fun. Of course, as usual, my brain got in the way, informing me earnestly that the problem was that I was a control freak and so I was unfit to follow since I was so hell-bent on determining my own destiny (on the dance floor and off).
But last night was different. After a tired and slightly headachey preparation at Biku's house, we had a hilarious trip on the subway, giggling about words and concepts which seemed hilarious at the time but appear slightly silly now. One of those trips where you're having more fun than everyone else around you, and you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world. Once we got to Swing there was Biku's vast pile of gingerbread to unload (in fact, now that I think about it, the vast quantites of gingerbread consumed before we left the apartment may have had something to do with the giggling on the subway...) and a good male-female ratio to keep me dancing as much as I wanted.
Maybe it was because it was exam time and most of the university students there were a little crazed, but people seemed pretty loose. I danced a couple of times with a noob who complimented me on my skills (always nice to hear), had a stare-off dance with Olivia and her shoes of +2 awesomeness, got badly beat in a gingerbread eating competition with Shaggy, and had a lovely silly dance with Krister, whom I'd formerly been slightly frightened of because he was so good. This time we shook and rattled and swirled around, me unsure of what we doing most of the time but vamping it up anyways. When we finished he really did sincerely thank me, which made me feel immensely better. There were other dances throughout the night like that, times when I caught the signals my lead was giving me and followed them automatically, and times when I felt confident enough to give my own flourishes to things. There were still nervous dances where I couldn't seem to even get the basic lindy step right, but I was definately better.
Home again home again, and a tired Biku stayed up way past her bedtime to design my India card for me -- a beautiful delicate thing that went way beyond the picture-plus-text-on-inside basic thing I had in mind. It was a simple job for her, but it gave me a sense of just how skilled a job graphic design is. I mean, I'd known before this how hard it was because she'd explained it to me, but seeing it happen before my eyes really brought it home. She's a talented woman, and before this I don't think I really appreciated the work she did. Now I do, at least a bit better.
It was all this, coming back to me in a sleepy haze in the morning, that made me realize just how good last night was. In the midst of the stressful Christmas season, with money worries and essays looming over my head, I managed to have a really good night out. And for that I'm grateful.